Agricultural and Biofuel News - ENN

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ecological and Carbon Footprints

I know...I know...Anyone who has even a little interest in the environment has already calculated their footprint. But when was the last time you did so? Have you measured your progress? Shrunk a shoe size? Give it a whirl once again:

Ecological Footprint (how your lifestyle affects the Earth and its ability to regenerate new resources):
Carbon Footprint ( a measure of how much carbon dioxide you use): 
And just a reminder: The average person's Ecological footprint is 2.2 global hectares, while there are only 1.8 global hectares of biologically productive area per person available on the planet. (source: Global Footprint Network) What does this overshoot mean?
depleted groundwater
collapsing fisheries
carbon dioxide accumulation in the atmosphere

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello - just wanted to make a small correction from an editing perspective, under the paragraph about "Ecological Footprint (how your lifestyle affects the Earth and it's ability to regenerate new resources)..." there should be no apostrophe in "its" which is possessive. Thanks for a good website and good info!