Agricultural and Biofuel News - ENN

Monday, September 21, 2009


What happens to all those outdated cellphones and prehistoric computers we trade for the latest, newest, faster, better model?

Worldwide 20-50 million tons is sent to the dump
In the USA 65,000 tons ends up in the landfill

Much, if not most, of our outdated electronics are sent to less developed nations where they are refurbished (under varying degrees of scrutiny) and re-used - Shipping it abroad has proved, in many cases, cheaper than properly recycling it here.

Why recycle our e-waste properly?
Because these electronic gadgets often contain toxic substances. While e-waste accounts for only 2% of landfill waste it creates 70% of the toxic waste:

TV and computer circuit boards = lead, mercury and cadmium
cellphones = mercury, arsenic
cables = brominated flame retardants
batteries = toxic heavy metals: e.g. nickel, cadmium, lithium, lead

More than 90% of electronic material can be recycled. Most of the recycled parts are reused in electronics because they are already the right grade for electronic devices. Other components are valuable metals:

cellphone chargers: copper
circuit boards: gold, silver, palladium

Where do I recycle?
The EPA website has information about where to recycle or donate electronics and batteries, check it out at:

Earth 911 is a great site that allows you to search for recycling centers (of all kids) by your zipcode:

Facts and figures above from :The United National Environmental Programme, Earth 911 and Ready, Set, Green by Hill and O'Neil

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