This year we are giving sending part of our Christmas funds to three worthy organizations:
My sister-in-law is currently volunteering a year of her life to serve as principal of this school for the children of lepers in India. Lepers are seen as the lowest caste in Indian society and. as such, lack access to almost all resources. Their children, often free of the disease, must suffer by default. Rising Star is trying to change that, educating about 180 students.
Recently my sister-in-law wrote my daughter a blog post on how life in India is different than here in America:
"My eleven-year-old niece, Amelia, is studying a unit on India in school. And she's wondering what tidbits of information I might have for her class. Well, dear Amelia, let me begin with a list of some of the ways life here is different than in Denver.
Our kids...
have never seen snow or been sledding or skiing.
have never been to the mall.
have never been to the grocery store (food is sold on the sidewalk, in little booths, and in kiosks).
have never seen a strawberry.
have never slept in a bed.
have never seen toilet paper.
have never worn a jacket.
have never used a seat belt.
have never owned a swimming suit or been swimming.
have never eaten pizza.
have never blown out birthday candles.
have never used a knife, fork, or spoon.
have never been to the dentist's office.
have never seen broccoli or lettuce.
have never been in a car.
Our kids...
have never seen snow or been sledding or skiing.
have never been to the mall.
have never been to the grocery store (food is sold on the sidewalk, in little booths, and in kiosks).
have never seen a strawberry.
have never slept in a bed.
have never seen toilet paper.
have never worn a jacket.
have never used a seat belt.
have never owned a swimming suit or been swimming.
have never eaten pizza.
have never blown out birthday candles.
have never used a knife, fork, or spoon.
have never been to the dentist's office.
have never seen broccoli or lettuce.
have never been in a car.
See the pictures from her blog post and you'll choose to donate some of your Christmas funds too!

I love giving the gift of food and the best way I have found is through Heifer International. Not only are you donating food, but you are donating an improved life. I get copies of the Heifer Internatioal holiday gift guide each year (aptly called "the most important gift catalog in the world") and leave them in the break room at work. It's great lunch time reading - food for thought-- each year the catalogs disappear, I hope into hands that are willing to make a difference.
My goal is to one day raise enough funds to buy an ark gift:

The Heifer Gift Ark offers hope worldwide to families who are poor and hungry. You'll help families start on a journey to fulfill a seemingly impossible dream - to secure food and a source of dependable income.
Each family who receives livestock will pass on one or more of the animal's offspring to other families who are in need in their community. Every gift will multiply for years to come.
Imagine how your gift could change the world. Two cows bring milk and income to a Russian village. Two sheep help families in Arizona produce wool. Two camels help families in Tanzania earn income by transporting agricultural and industrial materials. Two oxen pull plows and carts in Uganda. Two water buffalo help Cambodian families increase rice production through animal draft power. And that's just the first five sets of animals ... your ark provides 15 pairs of animals to change lives.
What a wonderful way to bring joy to the world! Maybe your family, your school, your work could raise enough for an ark gift? Let me know if you do...
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