Agricultural and Biofuel News - ENN

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Grass Fed Beef

What's the beef with grass feed beef? Here's a few things to know that may help prove to you, why grass fed beef is better.

Grass feed beef is usually lower in fat than grain feed beef. It has more good monounsaturated oils and stearic acid which can help lead to decreased cholesterol levels

 Omega 3 oils are higher in grass fed beef and they are comparable to the levels found in fish. Omega 3's have been shown to help decrease cancers and they help prevent and treat hypertension, coronary artery disease, and arthritis.

Grass feed beef has larger amounts of Vitamin E and beta carotene

Grass fed animals also have one of the highest amounts of CLA (conjugated lineolic acid) which have been shown to both reduce the incidence of cancer and suppress the growth of existing cancers. There have been other studies that have shown CLA to decrease body fat, increase lean muscle mass and lower incidence of diabetes. CLA levels are 30-40% higher in grass finished beef.

Grass fed animals also help the environment by helping reduce land erosion and improving soil condition. Grass feeding animals is good the animals as well. No crowded conditions and less stress for the animals which in turn produces better meat.

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