Agricultural and Biofuel News - ENN

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Round-Up Ready Is NOT So Ready

The New York Times recently posted an article reviewing a study on the environmental impact of Genetically Modified crops. As many of use have suspected and promoted for years, Genetically Modified Crops aren't proving to be God's gift to the environment. Weeds are becoming resistant and so now even more toxic chemicals than RoundUp are being used to kill weeds and scare off bugs.

I once used round-up. I didn't have an edger and weeds were crawling out the edges of my lawn and invading the side walk, as only plants can do in the warm, humid, South. I decided to best them with the world's most powerful blast, RoundUp! I sprayed along the edges and waited.

Within a day the weeds shriveled and died away, but so did everything else, This left an eerie, almost fluorescent ring around my lawn. It was bizarre enough that my neighbors came asking what I did. The alien ring lasted for weeks and weeks, and became a far worse eye sore than the weeds had been. However, it taught me the power of RoundUp to KILL. Never again have I dared touch the chemical.

I shiver to think that so much of our crop land is sprayed with RoundUp, and now even that chemical killer is not assassinating because we have inadvertently spawned nature to genetically modify it own version of plants. When will we learn that in the MAN vs NATURE game, man will never win? Man needs to work with nature and not against, if he is to survive.

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