Agricultural and Biofuel News - ENN

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Time to think temperature...*

Today I saw the first snow flakes fly. My fingers are stiff and cold while typing and I am contemplating turning on the heat. But what is the recommended, eco-friendly, heat setting?  I did some web surfing and these are my findings...

day temperature: 68F
night and unoccupied temp: 60F (or as low as 55F when unoccupied)

Adjusting your thermostat can bring substantial savings. Lowering your thermostat from 72 degrees to 68 degrees can decrease your heating costs by up to 15%!

The information below is from Madison Gas and Electric :

Fiction: It costs as much or more to heat a home back up after a setback. (Or to cool the house after a summer setup.)

Fact: The longer your house remains at the lower temperature, the more heat you save.

Fiction: The house will warm up faster the higher the thermostat is raised.

Fact: The thermostat isn't like the gas pedal on a car. It's either calling for heat or not, so setting the thermostat too high may cause you to overshoot the desired temperature.

Fiction: The kids will kick off the covers and get cold.

Fact: Children older than about two weeks can regulate their body temperature just like adults, so they don't need any different temperature than adults. If they kick off the covers, try dressing them in two sets of pajamas with feet or using a sleeping bag.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I already know that this particular comment will not pass the blog author, this is only a test...

Energy conservation of a home heating system is not based entirely on the preset temperature settings of any given thermostat. "No" but rather this high fuel consumption (waste) is primarily based on the poor out-dated design of these digitally controlled thermostats.

However, modifying the units to meet some new (federally mandated) consumption standards will not be enough. Obviously, now is the time to bring the "equivalent" of a non-radioactive nuclear reactor into every American household. Thus, to do away forever (Amen) with those criminally high home heating costs, runaway vaporous fuel prices, & that outrageous profit potential these greedy energy producing companies now seem to apparently enjoy.

Lord knows, they're nothing but crooks and devilishly clever con artists in fancy expensive business suits whom steal billions & billions annually from consumers using personal intimidation and some strong arm tactics when necessary. (Sounds a bit like our glorious Congress) does it not!

Their primary target! Obviously every hard-working law-abiding consumer (sucker peasant) thus crippling some pitifully small incomes for that (almighty) profit potential is job # ONE with these folks.

Until we gifted scientist and men of technical knowledge deal with the problem directly, this insanity will continue. America now possesses a large (and ever growing) variety of these heavy laded struggling families and unfortunately a countless number of dirt poor senior citizens too. Many who may not survive if they are forced to pay those forever rising home heating costs?

I AM big oil's worst nightmare coming soon!!!

Professor Paul West alias